Dear ACDL Partner,
The fight for persons with disabilities across our state and country is more critical today than ever before. The Arizona Center for Disability Law (ACDL) is prepared to take a stand and continue its advocacy for our disability community.
Arizona’s disability community is almost 1 million people strong. The ACDL will continue to represent and advocate for the advancement of disability rights as well as oppose any proposed restrictions or limitations of those rights. But we can’t do it alone. It’s only in unity that we can thrive. Join us as we continue to fight for justice and equality by making a gift to ACDL. Together, we can work to fulfill our mission, to advocate for the legal rights of persons with disabilities to be free from abuse, neglect and discrimination and to gain access to services, maximizing independence and achieving equality.
Fund Our Voice! People with disabilities must have their voices heard at the state capitol, in the halls of Congress, and in the court of public opinion. The ACDL amplifies and brings these voices before public policy-makers. Your assistance can help make this possible and will allow us to engage in public policy advocacy.
I hope you will consider a donation this holiday season. Your donation can be made on this website via the How to Help page. It’s that easy. All contributions are tax deductible and greatly appreciated.
Please give whatever you can. Our community needs the ACDL’s voice, now more than ever, and we need your help to make a difference.
Thank you,
J.J. Rico
Executive Director