Vocational Rehabilitation Letter Generators

Would you like to send a letter to Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) about your services? The Client Assistance Program (CAP) has developed letter samples for VR clients to use, to address some common issues about their services. Choose a topic from the list below and follow the link to write a letter to VR about your concern. After adding your information to the fillable form, use the Submit button to create your PDF letter. You will be able to download the PDF letter and either email it as an attachment or print it for mailing.

You may need to gather some details before starting the fillable form. Your information will not be saved in the form, so if you leave the page before you have completed the letter, you will need to start over.

This letter is used to request to change your counselor. To complete this letter, you will need: the first and last name of your VR counselor, the first and last name of your VR counselor’s supervisor, the VR supervisor’s email address, and the reason you are asking for the change. Send the letter you generate to your VR counselor’s supervisor.

This letter is used to ask VR for a written decision when they have made a decision you disagree with (e.g., closed your case, found you ineligible, denied a VR service). To complete this letter, you will need: the date VR told you the decision verbally, a description of the decision you disagree with, and a deadline for VR to send the decision to you. Send the letter you generate to your VR counselor or their VR supervisor.

This letter is used when you decide that you no longer want to work with a VR service provider and are requesting a new provider. To complete this letter, you will need the name of the current provider and the reason you want to switch to a new provider. Send the letter you generate to your VR counselor.

This letter is used to ask for any services, supports or reasonable accommodation you need to participate in a TWE. For example, you may need transportation, job coaching, or personal assistive services. To complete this letter, you will need to know what services or supports you need due to your disability to be successful at the TWE. Send the letter that you generate to your VR counselor or their VR supervisor.

This letter is used when you received a Fair Hearing decision that you disagree with and want to appeal it further. This letter is a request that the Department of Economic Security (DES) Director review the Administrative Law Judge’s decision. To complete this letter, you will need: the appeal number assigned to the case, a description of the issue you appealed, the date the hearing officer made their decision, and why you believe that the decision is wrong. Send the letter that you generate to the DES Office of Appeals within 20 calendar days of the Administrative Law Judge’s decision.