Frequently Asked Questions for Payees

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I have been contacted by ACDL to schedule a review, what happens now?

If you received a letter from ACDL stating that we are trying to get in touch with you to schedule a review, please call (602) 819-4406 or (602) 274-6287 to speak with ACDL’s Representative Payee Review Coordinator. During the scheduling call, the Coordinator will provide you with the names of the beneficiaries included in the review, a list of documents needed, and confirm a date to meet with you.

Someone from ACDL called me to schedule a review, but I have doubts about the legitimacy of this process. What do I do?

If you need corroboration of ACDL’s authority to conduct representative payee reviews, please contact the SSA using the information provided on the SSA’s webpage or at 410-965-9222. If you expressed concerns about ACDL’s legitimacy during our initial scheduling call, ACDL will ask your SSA Field Office to contact you directly as well. Once your legitimacy concerns are resolved, we will move forward with the review process. If you suspect that someone is pretending to be associated with ACDL or the SSA in order to obtain private information, or any form of Social Security fraud, please visit the Office of the Inspector General’s Fraud Report website or call the Inspector General’s Fraud Hotline at 1-800-269-0271 (TTY 1-866-501-2101).

I am an organizational payee, what will happen on the date of my review?

Please refer to your confirmation letter for specific instructions about what your review will include. Generally, ACDL reviewers will meet with you at your office, interview you about your management of beneficiaries’ funds and your other payee duties, review all financial records of the beneficiaries included in our sample, provide training as needed, and interview any adult beneficiaries (if they are able to communicate) and tour their living spaces.

I am an individual payee, what will happen on the date of my review?

Please refer to your confirmation letter for specific instructions about what your review will include. Generally, ACDL reviewers will meet with you at the home of the beneficiary, review any bank statements, receipts, and ledgers you maintain related to the beneficiary’s funds, provide you with training on how to keep financial records if you do not already do so, and interview any adult beneficiaries (if they are able to communicate) and tour their living spaces.

After ACDL completes the review of my payee services, will I get a list of findings?

If ACDL finds issues with your performance as a payee, we or the SSA will notify you of the concerns in writing and work with you to make the necessary corrections to your practices. Once the corrections are made, or if no issues were found during your review, ACDL and/or the SSA will send you a letter stating that your review is complete. You will not receive a detailed report of our findings.

What resources are available for payees to learn more about their responsibilities?

The SSA offers many online resources for payees, including a FAQ page and training material. ACDL may be able to provide outreach material and/or trainings to payees, depending on our resources, availability, and the type of training needed. Please direct requests for training to or (800) 927-2260 (Toll Free).